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Management principles

Management principles

NISSO SHOJI is to propel its business activities grobally toward contributing as a good
and fair company to a world society.

Management Policy

Management Policy

Basic Corporate Governance Policies

NISSO SHOJI is to propel its business activities grobally toward contributing as a good and fair company to a world society.

  1. Systems to ensure that the execution of duties by directors and employees complies with laws and regulations and the articles of incorporation
  2. Systems for storage and management of information on the execution of duties by directors
  3. Rules and systems on the management of the risk of loss
  4. Systems to ensure the efficient execution of duties by directors
  5. Systems to ensure the fair business operations of the corporate group consisting of the relevant stock company, its parent company and any subsidiaries
  6. Systems to ensure effective audits by corporate auditors
  7. Systems to to ensure reliability of financial reporting

April 1, 2014

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